KAllen Consulting LLC - new maintenance and standards company
Phone # 754-229-9984 call or text Email: [email protected]
Submit your request online, check your violation at The Gates of Hillsboro MSC
Painting your house, new windows, replacing fence, taking out trees, repaving driveway, any alteration to the look of your house or front yard- call KAllen Consulting LLC, our maintenance and standards, company at 754-229-9984 call or text.
Any and all changes need to be approved through the HOA by contacting KAllen Consulting LLC before starting. We are also asking that if you are repainting your home the same color, please submit an MSC Paint Request. Thank you.
Acceptable paint color options are uploaded to the Photo Gallery page. These colors are recommended but you can choose a color similar of your choice. Our colors are earth tones and similar to all other homes in the community. Houses should be a lighter color and the trim might be darker. It does not have to be the exact color in the photo but the approval form MUST be submitted to the [email protected] before buying your paint along with a swatch of the paint color. You will need to specify the house, the trim, and the door color if you are painting any of those and you will need to await approval before starting.
Residents, Please check your email regularly if you are corresponding to us. We get several complaints about neighbors' fences, yards, boats, etc. and we respond via email. Then, we'll get a 2nd email from the same person that was already dealt with and responded to. There are some situations that are not an HOA issue and we will let you know that also. It might be a city ordinance or just a friendly neighbor conversation. We can only deal with what is seen from the road. Thank you!
We encourage you to respond to the initial violation letters to avoid expenses.